University Sector Multi-Content Training : Mobilization and Grievances
Thursday June 6th 2024, 9am to Saturday June 8th 2024, 12pm (noon)
ALT Quebec Hotel, 1200 Germain des Pres ave, Quebec G1V 3M7
Facilitator: Patrick Leblanc, Union Advisor and Sébastien Paquette, CQSU President
Offered to University Sector Locals in all regions of PSAC-Quebec
Topics during this bilingual training will include the structure of the PSAC and available resources, member engagement, members’ rights in a telework context, and the drafting and representation of grievances before the employer. Drawing inspiration from the popular education method, we will facilitate learning through group reflections, plenary discussions and workshop exercises.
This training is offered to members holding a position on their executive committee, involved in members mobilization, or who are member of labour relations or grievance committees.
REGISTRATION DEADLINE : MAY 10th 2024, at noon
Participants to the training will be selected based on the following criteria: gender expression, equity groups, components, directly chartered locals and one member per local.
According to PSAC policies currently in place, you must have no symptoms to attend face-to-face meetings. This directive is subject to change as the situation evolves, public health directives and/or PSAC policies on vaccination and other issues related to COVID-19 prevention.
To register : Fill the registration form available with this poster or on under the « Training Calendar » section and send :
By Fax : 514 875-8399
By email :