Montréal, July 16, 2018 – The firefighters of Aéroports de Montréal, members of a local of the Public Service Alliance of Canada, ratified the tentative agreement reached with Aéroports de Montréal at the end of June.
“The employer finally stopped its nonsense after a long standstill at the bargaining table”, explained Réal Brien, President of the local. “Indeed, it took a conciliation hearing – and two extensions – before the parties finally reached an agreement.”
The agreement includes better rest periods during call-backs, new rules for assignment of overtime, and an extra paid day of bereavement leave.
Pay raises are set at: 2.5% (2018), 2.5% (2019), and 2.5% (2020). Parties have also agreed that compulsory contributions to the group RRSP will rise to 8% from 4% and that the employer will match the amount. The agreement even includes a signing bonus for all members of the local. It will expire at the end of 2021.
Our unions
The approximately 100 members of the firefighter’s local work at the Trudeau and Mirabel airports.
PSAC represents more than 180,000 members across Canada. PSAC-Quebec is affiliated with the FTQ and has more than 40,000 members in the federal public service, university, research and private sectors.
For more information:
Patrick Leblanc
514-706-5997 |