McGill University: Negotiations nearing an Impasse

McGill University takes great pride in being one of Montreal’s top employers, however, that has not

translated with regards to its treatment of its employees.

McGill University Non-Academic Certified Association (MUNACA), which represents nearly 2000 support staff employees, has been in contract talks with McGill’s Administration since September 2020. Our previous contract expired November 30th, 2018. Over the past 15 months, we have met with the Employer 48 times.

Recently, MUNACA was informed by the Employer that their last offer on salaries is close to being final, and that they have little room for movement. This offer is significantly below the cost of living and would mean that our members would be losing money for the duration of the contract. The Employer is also refusing to pay retroactivity to those members who have left McGill, or who have retired.

Members of MUNACA are asking the McGill University Administration to come to the table with a wage offer that not only accounts for the skyrocketing cost of living, but that also recognizes the fact that the non-academic staff have been essential to keeping the University in operation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“This administration is proposing salaries well below the cost of living despite the fact that the Principal’s

remuneration has risen to over $860,000 and their multi-billion-dollar endowment has risen 45% since the

pandemic.” says Thomas Chalmers, MUNACA President.

It is time that the University Administration realizes that its status as “one of Montreal’s top employers” is not the reality for many of its employees. MUNACA employees have worked extremely hard to keep McGill functioning. All we are asking for is to be treated with respect and to have a fair contract.