At the April 6 special general meeting, a majority of McGill University’s support staff voted to step up pressure tactics against the employer and to adopt a strike mandate.
“The employer’s offer is insincere and totally disrespects us,” said Thomas Chalmers, president of the McGill University Non-Academic Certified Association (MUNACA-PSAC). “It is time that the University administration realizes that its status as “one of Montreal’s top employers” is not the reality for many of its employees.”
MUNACA-PSAC represents approximately 2,000 McGill support staff employees and has been in negotiations for a new collective agreement for almost two years. The main issues in dispute are the salaries. Not only is the University offering economic increases well below the cost of living, but they are also insisting on cutting the top rates of pay for several employees. We are also asking for equal treatment for all our members, including our new colleagues, and retroactivity.
“At this point, we have no choice but to step up pressure tactics,” said Jennifer Garvey, PSAC-Quebec’s regional representative. “To make meaningful gains, we will need to mobilize all our members.”
As a reminder, MUNACA-PSAC asked everyone to demonstrate their support by signing a letter to McGill University’s principal and vice-chancellor on March 28.
If you haven’t signed the letter of support, please do so now: