[Updated] Mini workshop: strike and mobilization basics explained

** Due to high demand, we have added two more training dates and increased the maximum number of participants. As these trainings are offered in the context of negotiations with Treasury Board of Canada, TB members will be given priority. Specific training for Directly Chartered Locals will be offered as required. **

A strong strike mandate is the best way to reach a settlement quickly and without necessarily having to take strike action. 

Concerned by the prospect of a strike? Come join us for a short workshop on strike action and mobilization.

In one hour, we’ll go over:

– How strikes work

– Types of strike (general, work-to-rule, rotating, strategic)

– Strike planning (from strike vote to picket line)

– Strike pay and allowances

– Mobilization (what can and can’t be done)

– How strikes impact work

Workshops will be held on:

* Note that there is a maximum of 30 participants per session and the workshops are only available in French. These mini workshops are offered in the context of negotiations with Treasury Board of Canada but all members are welcome to attend.

Register to reserve your spot today! 
