The result of the election that ended at 5 pm tonight did not result in a simple majority. A second round will be necessary. Delegates will receive tomorrow an email by Intelivote.
If you haven’t received anything by noon tomorrow, please contact Marie-Ange Mundela at 1-438-315-3113 or She will help you find a solution and make voting easier.
The results are:
Toufic El-Daher: 53
Yvon Barrière: 57
Louis Canon: 5
Spoiled ballot: 1
Simple majority: 58
Note that you have until June 29th at 5 p.m. to vote. The results will be announced on the 29th, no later than around 6 p.m.
Don’t forget that Marie-Ange is there if you have difficulty voting electronically for your candidate.
In solidarity,
Greg McGillis
REVP-Québec General elections Director