In partnership with Brunet & Associés – lawyers, notaries As part of our partnership, we are delighted to offer a series…
Black History Month 2025
Black History Month is a time to reflect on the past, celebrate achievements, and recommit to building a future rooted in…
Federal unions join forces to launch new remote work campaign
According to surveys and research, 90% of respondents want to either work remotely as much as possible or have a flexible…
PSAC hosts DCL roundtable; focuses on growth
PSAC represents 34,000 DCL workers from 84 locals, ranging from post-secondary education workers, private employers, municipal governments, and not-for-profit organizations. It…
A warm welcome to UQAM’s Public Interest Research Group employees
PSAC-Québec welcomes its new members from UQAM’s Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG-UQAM), an influential non-profit activist organization. They will form a new bargaining…
Marking 35 years of the L’École Polytechnique Massacre
Today marks 35 years since the tragic attack at L’École Polytechnique, where 14 women were targeted and killed simply because they…
UQAM Foundation: A remarkable and long-awaited catch-up
Congratulations to the Syndicat des étudiant.e.s employé.e.s de l’UQAM (SÉTUE) members at the UQAM Foundation, who officially signed their new four-year…
PSAC calls for Liberal government to be held accountable for pension attack on federal workers
The Liberal government’s plan to raid $9.3 billion from the federal public service pension surplus is a betrayal of Canada’s public…
Gala Reconnaissance : Nomination period now open [Update]
In every three-year cycle, PSAC-Quebec organizes a recognition gala to celebrate and highlight the outstanding work of its members and locals….
Federal pension plan: Government plans to pocket $7.4 billion to give itself a contribution holiday
Research performed by the Public Service Alliance of Canada has revealed that the government’s actuaries anticipate a large surplus in the Public…