University Sector Multi-Content Training

November 2nd at 9am - November 4th at noon


Manoir Victoria Hotel, 44 Cote du Palais, Quebec QC G1R 4H8

Facilitator: Patrick Leblanc and Jonathan Vallée-Payette, Union Advisors

Offered to University Locals in all regions

This bilingual multi-content will highlight a simulation of a collective bargaining.

Drawing inspiration from the popular education method, we will facilitate learning through group reflections, plenary discussions, workshop exercises and discussions with a guest speaker.


Participants to the training will be selected based on the following criteria: gender expression, equity groups, components, directly chartered locals and one member per local.

According to PSAC policies currently in place, you must have no symptoms to attend face-to-face meetings. This directive is subject to change as the situation evolves, public health directives and/or PSAC policies on vaccination and other issues related to COVID-19 prevention.

To register : Fill the registration form available with this poster or on under the « Training Calendar » section and send :

By Fax : 514 875-8399

By email :