At long last!
The pandemic got the better of the triennial convention initially planned for 2020, but not this time! The PSAC-Quebec convention was launched on Thursday, in a virtual version, for the first time in its history.
The 183 delegates and 34 observers thus virtually joined the convention platform located in a studio in Lachine, west of Montreal, from where the president and presenters moderated the sessions.
On that first day, the assembly ratified the nominations to the convention committees, adopted the agenda and the rules of procedure. Following the Indigenous opening ceremony, Sister Chantal Chartrand gave a touching testimony on what her 86-year-old mother experienced: the residential schools. She called on the assembly to take action against discrimination and racism. A moment of silence in memory of the 215 children of Kamloops was observed.
It was also the opportunity for the Regional Executive Vice-President of PSAC-Quebec, Yvon Barrière, to present his mandate report. Delegates embraced it enthusiastically. Several emphasized Yvon’s availability to elected officials and members.
National President Chris Aylward also addressed the assembly in a vibrant and engaging speech on the present and future issues that lie before us. In the first part of his speech, the president even practiced the language of Molière.
The convention resumes Friday morning and continues through Sunday.