On Thursday, May 25, the members of our Community Housing Transformation Centre local unanimously ratified their tentative agreement. PSAC-Quebec is very proud of this outcome. This is the first collective agreement for this local, which has faced many challenges since its certification.
“I applaud the members’ amazing show of solidarity throughout the bargaining process, and commend all bargaining participants for their dedication,” said PSAC-Quebec regional representative Jonathan Vallée-Payette.
“We can be very proud of the bargaining team. This collective agreement will greatly improve members’ quality of life by providing sizable wage increases for the community sector and enshrining provisions regarding vacation, leave and seniority,” added PSAC-Quebec Regional Executive Vice-President Yvon Barrière.
Here is an overview of the agreement’s highlights.
Non-monetary clauses:
- A clear process for job postings and hiring enshrined in the collective agreement;
- Provisions allowing union representatives to conduct union business and represent members during working hours;
- Provisions allowing members to be active in the union during working hours;
- Clear provisions regarding disciplinary action;
- A grievance and arbitration process;
- A layoff list in the event of job loss;
- Rules regarding occupational training;
- A flexible work schedule with clear rules to avoid arbitrary treatment.
Monetary clauses:
- Establishment of a seniority principle;
- Vacations set out in the Employer’s policy now enshrined in the collective agreement;
- Possibility of better leave without pay than initially set out in the Employer’s policy;
- Leave for legal business without loss of pay, for instance if an employee is called for jury duty or to testify;
- Cumulative wage increases totalling between 17% and nearly 22% and better pay bands;
- A joint group insurance committee.