After arduous bargaining and over a year of effort by a conciliator, the Concordia Association of Research Employees (CARE-PSAC) has finally reached an agreement that has now been ratified by a very large majority.
“Bravo to the bargaining team for your hard work and dedication,” said Yvon Barrière, Executive Vice-President, PSAC-Quebec. “It was a long bargaining process and we had to go to conciliation. We can all be very proud of the outcome.”
The agreement provides for substantial pay increases. In addition, the dispute concerning the probationary period will be resolved. If the University wishes to extend a member’s probationary period, it must notify the Union and employee in writing, providing a copy of the employee’s probation assessment form. During the probationary period, employees will also be entitled to appropriate assistance and training to ease their transition into the position.
Highlights of the new agreement
– Clarified the definitions of full-time and part-time employee.
– In June of each year, the local must disclose the names and positions of the members of its executive.
– Full-time employees acquire one year of seniority on the anniversary of their date of hire in the bargaining unit.
– The University must send or provide direct access to a seniority list within 30 days of receiving a request for it.
– If the University wishes to extend the 30-day probationary period, it must notify the Union and employee in writing, providing a copy of the employee’s probation assessment form.
– Employees who accept a new contract during the probationary period are entitled to appropriate assistance, information and training to ease their transition into the position.
– When an employee is hired for another position in the bargaining unit, they may return to their former position if within 90 days they are unable to meet the requirements of the position, and if their former position is still vacant.
– The local has the right to appoint one member to the Occupational Health and Safety Committee.
– Increased the period for notifying the Union of technological change from one to three months. Increased the period for filing the technological change notice from 10 to 30 days.
– Meal allowance now $13, up from $6, when an employee is required to work a minimum of three hours.
Wage increases
- June 1, 2022: 2.4%
- July 1, 2023: 4.8% (or the economic increase known as the government wage policy (GWP) set out in the budgetary rules for the education and education support grant for 2023–2024, whichever is higher).
- July 1, 2024: 3.2% (or the economic increase known as the government wage policy (GWP) set out in the budgetary rules for the education and education support grant for 2023–2024, whichever is higher).
- July 1, 2025: 3.0% (or the economic increase known as the government wage policy (GWP) set out in the budgetary rules for the education and education support grant for 2023–2024, whichever is higher)
– Maximum of the salary range increased by 25%.
– Wage increases will be paid to employees under contract to and employed by the University as at December 7, 2023, within the 90 working days following the signing of the collective agreement.
– On June 1, 2024 and June 1, 2025 only, a research director or supervisor may raise an employee’s wage by more than 2% above their step increase, subject to the following conditions:
- The research director or supervisor must have the necessary funds to cover the proposed wage increase.
- The employee must have a fixed-term contract of one year or more or an indeterminate contract.
- The total wage increase, including the 2% step increase, must not exceed 10%.
- The new hourly wage must be less than or equal to the maximum of the salary range.
– On June 1 of each year, employees receive a step increase of 1.75%, applied after the annual wage increase, unless they were hired on or after March 1 of the current year. The new wage after the step increase must not exceed the maximum of the salary range. Effective June 1, 2024, the step increase will rise to 2%.
– The new collective agreement will expire on May 31, 2026.