Unionized Workers at FPInnovations in Quebec City Sign New Collective Agreement

Quebec City, November 8, 2018 – The members of Local 10127 of the Public Service Alliance of Canada, Quebec region (PSAC-Quebec), which represents the researchers, technicians and engineers at FPInnovations in Quebec City, have voted 73% in favour of ratifying a new three-year collective agreement.

 The approximately 50 unionized employees at FPInnovations in Quebec City had been without an employment contract since March 31, 2018. Negotiations resumed after members approved a rotating strike mandate on October 23. 

 “We’re pleased with the gains our members’ mobilization has obtained,” said Yvon Barrière, Regional Executive Vice-President of PSAC-Quebec. “This collective agreement will ensure labour peace for the next three years.”

 The agreement does away with the arbitrary policy of employer-determined, performance-based wage increases, replacing them with fair and predictable wage increases across the board. Members will be entitled to a wage increase of 3% retroactive to April 1, 2018, a further increase of 2.5% in 2019 (5% for Research Officer 1 positions) and a 2% increase in 2020.

 Additional gains for the unionized employees include a prohibition against both internal and external contracting-out, enhanced severance pay on termination of employment, payment of one hour of salary for each day on standby on weekends, the scrapping of a probation period for temporary employees hired to fill a full-time position, and full reimbursement of the relocation allowance for relocated employees. In addition, the employer agreed to eight weeks of compassionate leave at 80% salary, and two days of leave for domestic violence. 

 About PSAC-Quebec

PSAC represents more than 180,000 members across Canada. An FTQ affiliate, PSAC-Quebec has more than 40,000 members in the federal public sector, universities and the private sector.
