Taking care of your mental health

“Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel” is an expression we’ve heard often in recent months. Two years into the pandemic, clearly the tunnel is longer than expected. For many of us union activists, fatigue has set in. 

This winter, PSAC-Quebec wants to take care of your mental health. We are not doctors or nurses, but the role of our union is to ensure workers’ well-being. Beyond grievances and bargaining, we can listen, refer, prevent and build support networks in our workplaces.

To support mental health, we are organizing the following three activities:

  • As a Valentine’s Day gift, we will be hosting a new virtual workshop on the organization of labour and mental health on February 14 and 15, in collaboration with the FTQ Montreal Area Council. 
  • On February 22, France Laurendeau from Santé mentale Québec Rive-Sud is facilitating a webinar on psychological distress. The session will serve as a safe space for those who want to talk and listen without judgment.
  • On March 3, Madeleine Fortier, facilitator at Accent Carrière, will host an all-new virtual interactive workshop on compassion fatigue and how far one can go without burning out. The session will explore the concept of compassion fatigue, its observable symptoms in ourselves and others, possible causes and how to avoid it.

We hope that these initiatives will help make you feel better: you are not alone! Check our Education calendar for more details.